Madam / Sir,
This is in connection with the roll-out of eKYC pan India on 06.01.2025.
b). It is informed that only two makes of biometric devices viz. STARTEK and MANTRA will be compatible for biometric authentication related to eKYC operations in Finacle.
For the purpose of installation of devices, device drivers along with
configuration settings for STARTEK and MANTRA biometric devices are
uploaded in below said SFTP path accessible through
For the purpose of installation of devices, device drivers along with
configuration settings for STARTEK and MANTRA biometric devices are
uploaded in below said SFTP path accessible through
FileZilla application.
Host ID: Name: CBSDMFTPPassword: *********Fwd: Implementation of eKYC – Biometric Devices installationRemote site path: /CBSDM/incoming/Production/EKYC-DEVICE-DRIVERS
Device driver contains RD Services and Support files. Both need to be
installed. Device configuration setting PDF is also available in same
Device driver contains RD Services and Support files. Both need to be
installed. Device configuration setting PDF is also available in same
e). In addition, the following points may also be noted.
1. 2. MANTRA devices support only in MS Windows 10 and above.
3.While installing MANTRA device, internet connection is required for online driver
POS should ensure that Finacle Production URLs are added in Trusted sites or Local Intranet if any error is thrown.
f). Further, it is requested that the biometric devices with driver and
support files are installed in the post offices’ systems and kept ready
for eKYC roll-out.